Tefnut's Environmental and Drought News



Sphinx and Osiris Pyramid


Tefnut was the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Moisture.


When Tefnut was worshipped the landscape of Egypt and North Africa was totally different. Ancient Egypt was a land of rich farmland, vast grasslands and savannah when Tefnut was a popular Goddess. Over millennia the trees and vegetation of Egypt and North Africa were cut down to provide food, fuel, transport and shelter. The trees and savannah of Ancient Egypt provided cover, habitat for Man and wildlife and were the catalysts that brought rain to Northern Africa. Once the vegetation that covered Ancient Egypt was removed the environmental changes created a situation where rain and moisture disappeared which led to the eventual creation of the Sahara desert. Without the trees and grasslands the rainfall totals decreased and the vegatation withered and died leading to a mass migration of people and wildlife.


The first step in making deserts bloom again with new plant growth is to bring rain to subtropical and temperate deserts. Now is the time to end droughts and reverse desertification that is occurring across the World and turn these dry lands into arable grasslands, farmlands and forests.


When sufficient quantities of rainfall are produced and made to fall onto deserts it will stimulate grasses and trees buried dormant in the deserts seedbank. With increasing rainfall and new growth of native species of plants a cycle of growth and rainfall upon the Worlds deserts should occur It's time to end droughts and bring Tefnut back to the Sahara, North and South Africa, the Sahel, Australia and other subtropical deserts around the World.


Keep up with today's current news on global climate change, geoengineering, drought news, environmental news and articles.


Click on the links below to learn about a new solution to reverse desertification and how to stop desert growth.



Bill McNulty



Tefnut's Environmental Articles and Drought News

How to Turn the Sahara Green Again- pdf file

How to Turn the Sahara Green Again- epub file


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